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The Big Ring before the Battel

Fighto 3: Tandem Title Fighto

The Kaiju Commissioner picked American Beetle and Neo Teppen as the official Tandem Title challengers, in response to a deafening pre-Battel buzz about American Beetle's newly buff physique. Can you blame him - did you see those muscular calves?! Well, even with one eye each, Hell Monkey and D.W. Cycloptopuss III certainly did when they were on the receiving end of a flurry of red, white, and blue kicks. Beetle and Teppen's early success enraged Hell Monkey who turned his frustration against his clam-scented teammate. With the two monocular miscreants fighting amongst each other, American Beetle and Neo Teppen capitalized and defeated the One Eyed Monsters, picking up the win, as well as the Double Danger Tandem Titles! It is safe to assume that D.W. Cycloptopuss will look to return to the Sea Amigos, but will his briny brethren welcome him with open fins or closed fists?

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