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Kaiju Big Battel
blind beetle

Waiting for a Christmas miracle

American Beetle Needs Eye Transplant.

When a blind man looks you in the eye and says he will never see again, there is not much you can say. You have to carry on with the interview while your heart is breaking for him. However, no matter how hard it was for me to talk to him about it, American Beetle's struggle is exponentially tougher and just might effect us all.

American Beetle was blinded by Hell Monkey in an act of revenge. Two weeks ago, Hell Monkey doused his eyes in Hell Monkey Hot Sauce causing the injury. Unless he gets a double eye transplant, he will be blind for ever.

He told us, "Tengo miedo de saber que no lo conseguirá y si yo no lo entiendo, yo no voy a ver. si no puedo ver no puedo luchar. No voy a poder ganarse la vida y esa es la cruda realidad."

It is a truth made all the more harsh knowing that American Beetle was on the transplant list and Arizona had agreed to pay for it because American Beetle qualifies for the state version of Medicaid. Because of his dangerous line of work, he cannot get private insurance (the federal health care law will change that but not until 2014). He also can't work a full-time job because of he cant really do much with his over sized mitts besides punch things or persons. "... y hacer que, si bien ciegos simplemente no se corte" stated American Beetle.

However, as of December 12, Arizona backtracked on its promise, saying it can no longer pay for certain organ transplants. This was a cost cutting move that will save 1.4 million dollars. Yet that is just 1/10th of 1-percent of the state's $825 million budget deficit.

98 other people waiting for transplants will not get them either unless they pay for it themselves, most of them will die. American Beetle's procedure could cost nearly $300,000. He is raising money knowing he may not be able to wait until the legislature reconsiders transplant funding.

"Que era un Republicano toda mi vida. Reagan, Bush padre, los que fueron buenos años.. " American Beetle regaled "Bush bebé? así no podemos ganar todos. Pero ahora veo las cosas de manera diferente si usted sabe lo que quiero decir. Si los republicanos de descarrilar la ley federal de salud que estoy hecho para. lucho por este pa’s toda mi vida y ¿Que obtengo? "

Hell Monkey Denies Criminality

Judge Michael Mowell has dismissed Hell Monkeys denial of involvement in the Aalabasta, CA, Catty Corner convenience store robbery last month, saying it "cuts no ice" with him. He recalled the Posse had issued a similar two-line statement of denial from 'Gomi-man' after the toxic sliming of Detective Merry Mcdodddle in Ardan, CO, in June 2003.

After Hell Monkey was arrested and charged with attempted robbery and American Beetle's blinding, the Posse changed tactics and claimed the incident was sanctioned within the Kaiju rules of engagement. "Hell Monkey was within his legal rights when he attacked American Beetle" stated his lawyer Alfred Jimoans "He duly warned American Beetle he would "get him" after their match up on Oct. 15 in Brooklyn"

Judge Mowell accused Hell Monkey and the Posse of being prepared to say whatever was convenient at the time and then shift ground when it suited them.

His remarks were part of a series of attacks on the Posse's penchant for lying repeatedly about criminality when it suited. Other incidents they denied included involvement in the Enniskillville egg truck hijack in 1997, importation of bootleg Furbies from Cuba in 2001 and having an agent provocateur in the ranks of the US Postal Service.

Last week Hell Monkey said he and "The Real Dr. Cube's Posse" work on the basis that you can't tell lies. If you tell lies, you get caught out and then irreparable damage is done". But Hell Monkey has made a career in the posse of over-promising and under-delivering.

The Judge told reporters the case would be reviewed. He again defended his acceptance of the belief of Constable Petey Bunt that the Posse were to blame for the attempted robbery. Asked about assessments from the KRC, Mowell said he did not reveal KRC intelligence. He said in the investigation, the Government would make it clear if the Posse was guilty of criminality or that they were out for sanctioned revenge.

Lawyer Alfred Jimoans said parallels could not be drawn between events of the past 30 years and Posse's current activities. The "Old" Posse was not a legitimate movement, he added. Meanwhile, Judge Mowell has said the Government should show The Real Dr. Cube's Posse that it was not 'business as usual' after the Catty Corner raid by ruling out any deal for the release of the blinders of American Beetle.

A KRC agent, who asked to remain anonymous said that when it came to the Posse's criminality, "the bigger the crime perpetrated the bigger the lie told to cover up any embarrassment for their faction".


Vinyl Figure Sale

Have some extra Christmas money lying around? Were you waiting for all the post holiday sales? Well, wait no longer. Starting Christmas Day and continuing till New Year's Day; all Kaiju Vinyl will be priced at an unprecedented price of $36. Thats right, you can get them at wholesale prices while they last.

Buy More Better Fighto DVD!

News and Notes and Yuletide Greetings

Last weeks news update was canceled due to Commissioners office being infected with bed bugs.

Head on over to Facebook for a look at the Video of the Week. This week features another exciting excerpt of the upcoming "Area 57" DVD.

Wikkileaks: "Team pace Bug to host secret New Years Eve party."

French Toast loses bid to have own line of self sealing bicycle tubes. He vows to fight the decision.

"Rogue Soup and Bug" to be collected into one Volume.

Cycloptopuss reveals new product endorsement. "Chowda iiyo", a New England style chowder, will be released sometime in the spring, 2011.

Yuletide Greetings to All!

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