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Sentai Jin

Equipped for Battel

Sentai Jin is one of the most heavily armed heroes within Kaiju Big Battel. He is equipped with a laser guided DKNY4000 rocket launcher. With a deadly variety of warheads that range from heat seekers to cluster bombs, the firepower of this weapon is awesome.

The DKNY4000 rocket launcher is located on Sentai Jin's right forearm. The ammunition drum located just above the RRL-65 laser set can hold up to 50 missiles. Although the laser is mounted on the missile port, Sentai Jin can fire missiles without damaging the delicate laser or compromising its accuracy. In addition, the ingestion of missile gasses into his armored suit is prevented by a fixed deflector that splits the rocket blast and diverts gasses to each side of his helmet above the leading edge extension. This weapon is truly revolutionary and would be extremely dangerous if it fell into the hands of evil doers.

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